We stayed in and worked while the wind whipped up scary wind chill numbers on Friday and Saturday. By Sunday morning, we were chomping at the bit to be back on snow.
We enjoyed a nice ski tour in the woods here in northern Vermont. The snow had been packed by the wind, but not too badly. There was a bit of tree debris all around, including lots of found birch bark.
Speaking of bark, we were clearly in moose territory because we found some scrapings on a few small striped maple trees. Apparently moose only have incisor teeth on their lower jaw. So when they want to eat some bark, they start low and raise their head while scraping the tree with their bottom teeth. Pretty cool!
We're still looking for some more snow to cover up the hobblebush and fallen trees out in the woods. I see the word "rain" mentioned in this week's forecast for lower elevations in Vermont. Let's hope it stays cold enough for snow up higher!