Catamount Nordic
With new snow, Vermont ski areas have a busy Saturday
Posted 1/21/23
Busy, busy, busy! It was so busy at Vermont ski areas today that you might think people hadn't skied in fresh snow for a while or something! Thank goodness for some snow on Thursday night and…
Wild weather and some holiday magic
Posted 12/24/22
We had some wild weather on the Friday before Christmas (December 23). Luckily, most Vermont ski areas got a few inches or more of snow at the back end of the storm. Many ski areas are saying they…

Recent snow gives skiers more options — at the resort and elsewhere!
Posted 1/23/22
The MLK Day snowstorm brought much-needed snow to ski resorts. Vermont ski areas opened more lifts and trails, and skiers and riders rejoiced! At Smugglers' Notch Resort, for example, the snowstorm…
Skiing — and making snow — into the new year
Posted 1/3/22
Happy New Year to y'all! Hope you enjoyed the holidays. Now it's time to get serious about our snow dances! Northern Vermont got a few inches of snow over the last couple of days. That allowed our…

Some nice cross-country skiing for November
Posted 11/17/19
I took advantage of another sunny day today. I took my skinny skis and went to Catamount Outdoor Center in Williston, Vt. We don't always get to cross-country ski in November at this low elevation, so…

Warm, sunny cross-country skiing this weekend; a bit of snow on the way
Posted 3/3/19
We stayed closed to home this weekend and hit our local cross-country skiing center. The snow is holding up pretty well at Catamount Outdoor Family Center in Williston, Vt. We skied on the woods side…

Panoramic cross-country cruising at Catamount Outdoor Family Center
Posted 1/13/19
It was below zero this morning when we were making French toast. We lazily drank coffee and waited until things warmed up. With the sun shining brightly, we clicked into our skinny skis and hit the…

Getting on snow after a week at a conference. Thank goodness!
Posted 1/13/18
New Orleans on Thursday: High of 70 degrees and humid. Northern Vermont on Saturday: A couple of inches of new snow and 13 degrees. Which would you choose?? I didn't have a choice as I was a…

New, windblown snow as arctic weather departs Vermont. (Yay!)
Posted 1/7/18
The arctic temperatures that had a grip on Vermont for the last couple of weeks are leaving. Thank goodness! We got out to ski this afternoon when the temperature got above 0 degrees. We did a…

Skiing into the new year. Happy 2018!
Posted 1/1/18
The sun came out today and we waited for the thermometer to climb above 0 degrees. It did, so we set out for a New Year's ski. We had our long, skinny skis that glided quite well on the cold and…

What do you do when itʼs really cold outside? Go Nordic skiing!
Posted 12/30/17
We stayed plenty warm while skiing today. All we needed to do is click into our skinny skis and go cross-country skiing! Temperatures were in the single digits but I could feel all my digits. I…

Cross-country skiing in the snowy woods at Catamount Outdoor Center
Posted 12/23/17
We had some nice snowfall on Friday, so the plan was to hit the cross-country trails on Saturday. But the weather was going to be weird in lower elevations. The forecast called for mixed precipitation…

Skinny Skiing: Enjoying frosty Vermont days by Nordic skiing
Posted 2/18/15
I love downhill skiing but on the coldest day it's just downright challenging to keep your extremities from freezing as you dangle on a chairlift and create extra windchill during your descent. What's…

Lunchtime cross-country skiing in this week’s new snow
Posted 1/22/15
The Skimeister and I got out at lunchtime for some exercise in the brilliant sunshine. We played around in the powdery snow that is in the fields at Catamount Outdoor Center in Williston, Vt. Our skis…

Lots of snow in Vermont and it’s only early December!
Posted 12/11/14
Today my day started with a lot of snow, and ended with a lot of snow. I started by shoveling my driveway — OK, not so fun — but it ended with a lovely, snowy ski at the Catamount Outdoor Center in…

Fresh snow! We enjoyed it at Catamount Outdoor Center
Posted 1/20/14
We woke up to another morning of steady snowfall. Yes! Snow continued in many places in Vermont during the day. We took advantage of the re-opening of the nearby Catamount Outdoor Center…

Sunny Sunday skinny skiing at Catamount
Posted 2/10/13
Who was able to find some good skiing in Vermont this weekend? Anyone? Yesterday's powdery backcountry tour was cold but beautiful, and today I did an afternoon cross-country ski at…

Skiing into the new year
Posted 12/31/12
We're going to be skiing into the New Year in style! The snow's great for all kinds of skiing and riding. Plus, there are torchlight parades and/or fireworks at resorts such as Burke Mountain, Jay…

Great cross-country skiing with all this new snow
Posted 12/29/12
Nordic skiers are rejoicing with all the new snow! And the Nordic ski area operators from northern Vermont to southern Vermont are pretty darn happy, too! We went to our local cross-country center,…

Cross-country skiing in a snowy Vermont woodland
Posted 12/26/10
This afternoon I took a ski tour on the outer-most trails on the wooded side (north side) of Catamount Outdoor Center's nordic trails in Williston, Vermont. It was my first time in the woods here this…
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