Mountain Top
A nordic kind of January: Winter Trails Day & the Tour de Stowe
Posted 1/3/11
Ever wonder what all the fuss was about when it comes to cross-country skiing or snowshoeing? Well it's about time you found out. Winter Trails Day Eight nordic centers in Vermont are offering…

Free events at nearly a dozen Vermont nordic centers on Sat., January 9
Posted 1/5/10
It's time for all you cross-country skiing and snowshoeing never-evers to hit the trail! Nearly a dozen Vermont nordic ski centers are offering free introductions to these winter sports on Saturday,…

A snowy nordic ski at Mountain Top
Posted 2/10/08
Snow was the word of the day. We were headed this morning for Mountain Top Nordic Center in Chittenden, Vt., near Killington and Rutland. I had heard good things about it, so this was the time to…
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