Ski movies

Smaller, independent ski areas rock!
Posted 10/30/21
A new short film focuses on the country’s small, independent ski areas. TGR recently created “In Pursuit of Soul” and among the ski areas featured are a pair of gems from Vermont. Check out the…

A pre-season tradition: Ski films showing in Vermont in 2015
Posted 9/17/15
-Updated 10/28/2015- Taking in a ski film before the snowflakes fly is a pre-season tradition for many skiers and riders. Here's a growing list of ski movies that will be shown around Vermont this…

Ski film showings in Vermont in 2014. Getting stoked for ski season!
Posted 9/15/14
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR FALL 2015 SKI FILMS IN VERMONT>> Updated 11/17/14 This list will be updated as more details become available. Know of another ski film showing in Vermont? Drop us a note! Sep…

Ski movies help us get through to winter in Vermont!
Posted 9/23/13
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR FALL 2015 SKI FILMS IN VERMONT>> Updated 12/20/2013 Skiers in Vermont start getting antsy for snow pretty early in the fall. For me, it’s once I start reaching for fleece…

Ski movies in Vermont fuel the "stoke" for the approaching 2012 -2013 ski season
Posted 9/12/12
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR FALL 2015 SKI FILMS IN VERMONT>> Updated 11/20/12 It’s the time of year when skiers and riders want to get charged up for the coming ski season. And it WILL be a good season,…

Fall brings ski movies to Vermont
Posted 9/15/11
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR FALL 2015 SKI FILMS IN VERMONT>> Updated 12/5/11 How do you get pumped up for the coming ski season? Is it enough to go to a ski swap? Or stroll through a ski store to ogle…

Ski films help feed the hunger for the coming ski season
Posted 9/15/10
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR THE 2012 LIST OF SKI MOVIES IN VERMONT!>> Updated 11/29/2010 It's been exciting to see the growing variety of ski films that make their way around the country these days. The…

Stowe Film Fest approaches; and a fun video
Posted 11/20/09
Have you seen a ski film yet this fall? There are several making the tour around the country this year. Good pickin's. The new Warren Miller film is in Burlington, Vermont, this weekend. You can…

Vermont stick season ski movies, swaps, bashes and jams
Posted 11/3/09
Good news: Some Vermont ski resorts are firing up their snowmaking systems as temperatures drop again. On Jay Peak, for example, the weather service says it will get down to around 20 degrees (F) each…
2009 Ski film season starts in Burlington, Vermont
Posted 9/3/09
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR THE 2012 LIST OF SKI MOVIES IN VERMONT!>> It’s nice to see some smaller ski film producers sharing their wares in Vermont along with the likes of Warren Miller and TGR. Here’s…

15 ski films to see at Stowe Film Fest starting Saturday
Posted 11/25/08
This sounds like fun in Stowe this weekend: 15 skiing and riding films will be screened around town over the course of eight days, starting on Saturday, November 29. Pizza is involved in some of these…

Snowy Mt. Mansfield and a ski movie get me motivated for ski season
Posted 11/23/08
What a combination: a snowy Mt. Mansfield and the glow of a setting sun. The mountain was pink this afternoon as the sun set. The photo is from a Web cam that is positioned at Burlington International…
Action-packed ski films coming to a theater near you
Posted 9/24/08
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR THE 2012 LIST OF SKI MOVIES IN VERMONT!>> IN A WORLD... where winter blankets the northern reaches of America in copious amounts of snow, one filmmaker (or maybe two) dares to…

Pumped up for skiing!
By Skimaven
Posted 10/13/07
Yes, I know it's only October 13, but I'm ready for the ski season. You see, I just made my annual pilgrimage to a ski movie. Each year it's either Warren Miller, Teton Gravity Research or Mountain…
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