
Southern Vermont ski resort improvements for the 2016 - 2017 ski season
Posted 10/2/16
We're taking a look around the Green Mountain State to see who is doing what to their resorts for the coming winter. Let's get started by looking at the improvements at ski areas in southern Vermont. …

Mt. Ascutney in Brownsville, Vermont, will see skiers again this winter
Posted 12/8/15
Mt. Ascutney in Brownsville, Vermont, will return to life this winter with a new rope tow and backcountry skiing. A community group called Mt. Ascutney Outdoors / Ascutney Trails has been brush…

Mt. Ascutney not expected to open this winter
Posted 10/21/10
After hearing a rumor about Mt. Ascutney ski area not operating this winter, I placed a call to its lodging reservations line. Sure enough, the reservationist said there would be no skiing available…

Vermont's mountains to get first snow this weekend?
Posted 10/14/10
Are you ready for this? The National Weather Service reports that the higher peaks in Vermont may receive a few inches of snow, which may start falling on Friday! Check out the mountain forecast…

2010 – 2011 Season pass discount deadlines for Vermont ski resorts
Posted 8/20/10
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE 2012-2012 SEASON PASS DEAL DEADLINE POST!>> Updated 9/1/2010 It’s inching closer to Labor Day, school time and the colors of fall — and it’s time to think about season…

Heading for the final stretch
Posted 4/3/09
Believe it or not, many Vermont resorts picked up a few inches of snow early this week. I skied in it a bit late Thursday afternoon in the Bolton Valley backcountry trails. With the warm…

Fluffy powder falls, but we need more of a base!
Posted 1/3/09
Friday night brought some snow our way in northern Vermont. As it was before Christmas, this stuff was super light and fluffy. Sugarbush resort reported seven inches of snow, Stowe says 5, Ascutney…

Ski ticket discounts for Vermonters (and Vermont-resident-wanna-be's)
Posted 11/17/08
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE CURRENT VERMONT LIFT TICKET DISCOUNTS!>> Updated 3/13/2009 2008-2009 Season Deals I've compiled a list of Vermont ski ticket discounts. That's right, these are some…

College season passes in Vermont make me want to hit the books again!
Posted 10/21/08
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO 2013-2014 SEASON PASS DEADLINE INFO>> Did you know Vermont has more colleges per capita than any other state? It's true. And all those students are now cramming for one of the…

Ski Vermont 3 Pass is a Vermont ski ticket discount to consider
Posted 10/9/08
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE CURRENT VERMONT TICKET DISCOUNTS POST!>> Ski Vermont, an advocate for the Green Mountain State's ski industry, is offering a limited number of Ski Vermont 3 Passes and Ski…
Guidebook author's advice for Vermont ski vacations: Branch out away from mega resorts
Posted 9/9/08
What's the most common mistake out-of-state visitors make when planning ski trips to Vermont? This is the question that Budget Travel magazine put to a Vermont guidebook author this month, and I have…
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