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Wondering what 9 - 12 inches of Vermont powder looks like? I'll show you!

Posted Monday, January 10, 2011
— Bolton Valley, Backcountry skiing

Climbing, and climbing, toward Bryant Cabin.

The Cabin.

Heading up toward Birch Loop.

Skiers coming up the start of Birch Loop.

Then heading up Heavenly Highway.

A very pale-blue and white scene. Awesome.

Surprise! I'll be breaking trail!

I earned some turns today, and I picked a winner of a day to do so!

Up on Bolton Valley's backcountry trail network, I romped in 9 inches to a foot of fresh, light powder during an early-lunchtime ski tour. It was so gorgeous up there! (Just look at these photos!)

While climbing Bryant Trail, I surmised that only two skiers had gone before me this morning (I could tell from the pole holes). And they had skins on because they didn't have to herringbone where I did in my waxless skis! I also noted that the water bars were still going to be a challenge to anyone descending Bryant Trail (I never do—too straight).

Near the start of Birch Loop I was adding another layer and taking photos of the fluffiness around me when three other skiers caught up. They were going to be the first to head up Heavenly Highway. I kept going on Birch Loop, enjoying the fluffy powder and, for a few minutes, a semi-blue sky.

Then I hit a junction, and I saw the morning skiers had skied off toward the Bolton-Trapp Trail; it was my turn to break trail on Birch Loop. ("You're welcome" to anyone who followed later in the day!)

It made for rather slow touring and descents, but I would crack up laughing when I occasionally stopped in my tracks as the powder piled up to my knee caps. It was so quiet up there; I stopped a few times just to listen.

Coming down Gardiner's Lane was fun as I made some of my best telemark turns ever on my exceedingly straight backcountry skis. It gives you so much more confidence when there's a soft, untracked blanket of snow to turn in!

At about the time I was noting that I hadn't fallen in the deep snow — you can guess it — I wiped out at the bottom of the very last downhill! It was that damn stream bed/ditch at the bottom of the Tele Practice Slope where it meets the groomed World Cup trail! Ah well, at least it was a very soft landing.

It was an awesome day to be out on skis today in much of Vermont! Tomorrow will be great, too.

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