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Vermont lift ticket discounts and deals for 2014 - 2015. More discounts = more skiing!

Posted Friday, October 31, 2014
— Alpine / downhill skiing, Ticket discounts, Bolton Valley, Mad River Glen, Smugglers' Notch, Stowe, Sugarbush, Jay Peak, Cochran's

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Updated April 7, 2015

Here’s the way we see it: The more lift ticket discounts you find, the more skiing you can do! We’re here to help with the search as we’ve scoured the Web to find some of the best lift ticket deals at Vermont ski resorts!

With this blog post, we report on frequent skier cards, special discount skiing days, Vermont resident lift ticket deals, and the like. It does not cover season passes — so if you are going to ski for eight or more days at a single Vermont ski resort, also compare season pass pricing at that resort. And if you are planning a ski vacation, be sure to review a ski area’s website for multi-day ticket rates and lift-and-lodging packages, as well.Discount tickets at Sugarbush

Keep your eyes open for online-only deals that pop up in the fall and during the ski season. They are publicized via a resort’s website and social media (Facebook and Twitter) and they typically require that you purchase your ticket online before hitting the mountain — sometimes well in advance.


  • We maintain a <link https: skimaven lists vermont-ski-resorts _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>list of Vermont ski resorts on Twitter if you’d like to follow that list.
  • Our <link internal-link ski>Vermont Ski Resorts page has a link to each ski resort in Vermont. 

Also consider skiing midweek (non-holiday) because the lift ticket deals are much better and you’ll get more runs with short lift lines! Plan now to take some midweek vacation days!

The resorts are really pushing folks to buy tickets online in advance to save money off the window rate. Sometimes the earlier you lock in on your tickets, the better the rate will be. Sometimes this includes ski lesson rates, as well.

Double check on the details before you drive to a ski resort! And don’t forget your ID if you want to take advantage of a resident ski discount.

WE'LL UPDATE THIS BLOG POST as more ski discounts are announced this fall and winter.

Northern Vermont Lift Ticket Discounts


Bolton Valley Resort deals

If purchased by December 12, the Powder Pass buys you a total of five lift tickets for $199 for adults, or $149 for juniors, college students and seniors. If purchased online by December 14, you can get tickets to ski from opening day through Christmas Day for $29 per day. Every Friday and Saturday night, get a $19 night skiing ticket. A Ski Bum Value Pass also is available to use every day but Saturdays. The price is $269 for the Ski Bum All Access Pass and $239 for the Value Pass ($129 if purchased by Oct. 31). College students over the age of 25 who are going to school full time are also eligible for this pass. On four days during the season, owners of Subaru and Hyundai cars get a free ticket; check the Bolton Valley website for details. Check for online deals such as $20 early-season tickets on Cyber Monday, December 1. On midweek days from January 5-16, college students pay just $19 for a day ticket. Wednesdays are College Nights: beginning at noon students can ski and ride for $19. A free weekend ski bus serves Winooski, Burlington and South Burlington, Vt., starting in January.

Burke Mountain deals

Get a 10-pack of transferrable Burke non-holiday lift ticket vouchers for $519; pay an extra $10 if you want to use one during the holidays. The Great Big Kingdom card is 3 full-day, unrestricted lift tickets for use at Burke or Jay Peak for $169. Purchase both of them by December 24. Vermonter rates are available every day (non-holiday periods) to residents of Vermont and Coos and Grafton counties of New Hampshire: $52 adults; $40 seniors and juniors. Check for a 6-Pack priced at $269 only offered online on December 1. Skiers from Quebec can ski two-for-one after showing their drivers license. On non-holiday Tuesdays & Thursdays skiers 55+ can get a $35 lift ticket. Everyone skis on Sunday afternoons for $25 beginning on January 4. On Wednesdays, buy an adult, full-day ticket and get two free. Really.

Cochran’s skiing deals

At the petite Cochran's Ski Area, it costs $20 for an adult lift ticket and $14 for a junior. Friday night skiing will set you back a whopping $5.

Jay Peak ticket discounts

Residents of Vermont and Clinton County, N.Y., can buy a $58 adult ticket or $48 junior ticket. Multiday resident rates also available. Just want to hit the beginner lifts? $47 (or $36 for juniors) gives you access to the Taxi Quad, Metro Quad, Moving Carpets, Queen’s Highway T-bar, and Village Chair for the day.

Mad skiing deals at Mad River Glen

The Mad Card goes for $154 and you get yourself three transferable day tickets good any time during the ski season, plus $5 off any additional full-day lift tickets purchased throughout the season. Mad Cards are sold until December 15. On non-holiday weekends, buy a two-day ticket and ski on Monday or Friday for only $1 more. Active US military personnel and their immediate families are eligible for free lift tickets throughout the ski season. AARP members get $10 off a full-day ticket every Sunday. Special lift ticket discount days are sprinkled through the season at MRG. On January 10 - 11, Green Mountain Club members ski half price. On January 27, roll back the clock with $3.50 tickets. On March 3, Vermont school students (elementary to high school) ski free for Vermont's Town Meeting Day. Wear green on March 17 and ski for $17. On April 1, act like a fool at the ticket booth and ski two-for-one.

Best ticket deals at Smugglers’ Notch

Buy a Bash Badge for $139 ($119 before November 2) and pay $30 per day for an all-day lift ticket, or $20 for a half-day afternoon lift ticket — all season long with no restrictions. A Bash Badge Plus for $209 adds on free early-season and late-season skiing. On non-holiday Tuesdays, folks from Canada can get a buy-one-get-one-free deal. Non-holiday Wednesdays, women can buy a half-priced, full-day ticket; childcare for moms is also half price. On non-holiday Thursdays, Bash Badge and Bash Badge Plus holders receive a full-day $20 lift ticket; bring a friend and they'll get half off a full-day ticket. On non-holiday Fridays, Vermonters with proof of residency pay half price for full-day tickets, group lessons and rental equipment. Any midweek day, skiers and riders with a valid military ID can get a $39 full-day lift ticket. There's a buy-one-get-one offer on women's clinic sessions between January 21 and February 11. From February 23-27, Vermonters with proof of residency pay half price for full-day lift tickets, childcare, group lessons and rentals; also half price on full-day kids camps. A free weekend and holiday ski bus serves Essex and Burlington, Vt., starting in December.

Stowe discount lift tickets

With Stowe's RFID cards (reusable plastic tickets) and its ByPass Program, if you load your ticket onto your card online in advance, you can skip the ticket line and save a few dollars ($14 off the window rate during mid-season, non-holiday periods, for example). Guests are charged a one-time $5 RFID fee when they purchase any ticket at Stowe if a new card is issued. Seniors 70+ get rates as low as $42 with a senior ByPass card. This year, full-time residents of Lamoille or Washington County, Vermont, get a discount on a season pass. College students get the best pass deals here and at many resorts. Active US Military and their immediate family can receive free one-day tickets on the following days: December 7, January 25, February 22 and March 29. Ver-Mondays give Vermont residents a discounted ticket for $62 on January 5, February 2, March 2 and April 6. Everyone can ski Stowe on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, for $59. Ski on April 11 for $49.

Sugarbush skiing discounts

For sale online during the month of November is the $219 Quad Pack, a pack of four transferable tickets to Sugarbush with no blackout dates. The SugarDirect card at $99 includes one lift ticket; about 25% off midweek rates; 20% off weekend and holiday rates; and a free ticket after 10 purchased tickets. Purchase the card by December 17. Skiers in their 20s get a deal on season passes, as do college students, who should check the pass deal that includes Mad River. Starting January 8th, enjoy $30 Mt. Ellen lift tickets on non-holiday Thursdays. Ski Sugarbush on Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, for $49. Between February 23 - 28, buy a 3-day Mt. Ellen ticket in advance online for $89, all ages; also look for 2-for-1 youth lessons and a free adult ticket with purchase of a youth lesson that week. Get a $17 St. Patrick's Day ticket at Mt. Ellen on March 17.

Central Vermont Lift Ticket Discounts


Killington best ticket discounts

For those who plan to ski or ride four or more days a season, purchasing the Killington Express Card gets you 50 percent off weekday and 25 percent off weekend and peak day ticket rates. With the card, you'll pay $69 for tickets for adults; $59 for seniors and $54 for juniors during weekends and peak times. Use the Express Card six times and your seventh visit will be free. Card purchase price is $89 adults; $76 seniors; $69 juniors. Active Duty, Retired and Honorably Discharged members of the US military are eligible for a free Express Card, plus free skiing on Veteran's Day. On non-peak Mondays, show a season pass or frequent skier card from any mountain and receive 20% off a ticket at Killington. Non-holiday Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Vermont and New Hampshire residents get a $42 lift ticket. On non-peak Thursdays you can ski two for $109 if you purchase online in advance. Skiers aged 50+ ski non-peak Fridays for $52. Bring a friend or family member to the slopes and when your friend purchases a Learn To Ski & Ride package (reservations required), you’ll receive a free lift ticket valid the same day. Early in the fall you can buy discounted K Tickets online to use during the season; that offer has passed.

Middlebury Snow Bowl dealsPico mountain lift tickets

At the Snow Bowl, it'll cost you $35 midweek and $55 weekends & holidays for adults. Full-time students (age 6 to college), Middlebury College alumni, and seniors get a better deal: $35 weekdays; $45 weekends & holidays. The Snow Bowl has opened a new beginner's carpet lift and is allowing the public to ride for free.

Pico ski ticket values

On December 13, bring three nonperishable food items to donate and your lift ticket will be $25. This season, My Pico Packs are available online through December 23, 2014. Options include 3-day ($139), 4-day ($169), or 5-day ($199) packs. The 5-day pack includes a non-peak lift ticket at Killington. These work out to a cost-per-day of between $40 and $46. Skiers 50+ can get a $26 ticket on non-peak Mondays. Women can purchase a $26 ticket on non-peak Thursdays. Men can purchase a $26 ticket on non-peak Fridays. Vermont and New Hampshire residents ski for $29 on non-peak Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. College students save 15% on adult lift tickets. Families take note: For every adult 5-day Pico Mountain lift ticket pre-purchased prior to arrival, kids 12 and under receive a free 5-day lift ticket, too.

Quechee Ski Hill discounts

On non-holiday Fridays, find $25 adult lift tickets and $20 children’s lift tickets. Both include $5 lunch vouchers at the base lodge. New this season are ticket 10-packs. They are going for $250.

Southern Vermont Lift Ticket Discounts

Bromley Mountain deals

The Sun Mountain Card costs $69 ($79 after Dec. 19) and it offers one free non-holiday day of skiing then $30 off midweek skiing, $20 off weekends, and $10 off holiday skiing. On Tuesdays (except 3/17) get two-for-one tickets. On non-holiday Fridays, buy an adult ticket and get up to three $20 youth/teen tickets. Sunday afternoons feature a $32 lift ticket. February 6 is Mom's Day Off: Show a photo of your kid and ski or ride for a $20 donation to the regional cancer center. Members of the military save up to 50% depending when they ski. Value Tickets are transferable and save skiers up to $15 off holiday lift tickets (or use them any day). Must purchase at least 5 Value Tickets before December 3. On December 21, January 19 and March 15, get free beginner ski lessons and rentals, but you must register early – limited to 75 participants. Dress up like Santa on 12/25 and get a ticket for $25. Wear green on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, and get a lift ticket for $17.  

Magic Mountain discount tickets

Throw-Back Thursdays get you $20 tickets on non-holiday Thursdays. The Twenties Card is for those aged 21-29. The free card saves you $10 - $14 all season. The free College Card saves you $20 - $24 on tickets. Consider a midweek restricted season pass, which is going for $199. Vermont school kids can get a season pass for $99. Vermont and New Hampshire residents ski non-holiday Sundays and Fridays for  $49 and $39, respectively. Kids, teens and senior resident discounts, as well. Passholders from other resorts can get $10 off a Magic ticket. For $63, the Magic Card offers one free ticket in March-April plus $15 off Friday lift tickets and $10 off weekend and holiday lift tickets. Can you only ski on holidays? The unique Holiday White-Out pass is good throughout all the winter holiday periods — 19 days — for $249. Active military members pay the junior rate at Magic.

Mount Snow skiing deals

On December 12 ski for $12 to celebrate Founder's Day; must buy online in advance. On January 4 and March 22, kids 18 and under pay their age for a lift ticket. On February 13, two people ski for $49 if you buy in advance online. Buy tickets online in advance and find $17 St. Patrick's Day (March 17) lift tickets. Ski or ride on non-holiday Sunday afternoons for $29. With the $79 FanFare card, save 30% on midweek, non-holiday lift tickets, 20% on non-holiday weekends, and 10% during holidays. Valid on full-day tickets only. Active and retired members of the military receive a free Fan Fare card. 

Okemo Resort discounts

The Super 7 frequent skier card for $89 gets you varying discounts on your first six ski days (10 to 30% off), then a free day, then a 40% discount thereafter. Active duty members of the U.S. military and their dependent family members save $20 to $30 dollars on tickets; college students get the same discounts. Bring a new toy, article of clothing or five non-perishable food items to Okemo on December 7, or any five non-perishable food items to Okemo on March 29, and ski for $39. Vermont and New Hampshire residents ski or ride on non-holiday Wednesdays for $39 (afternoons for $29). Selected early season dates and April all-day tickets are $29 for residents. Other resident discounts: Ski and ride non-holiday Sunday mornings for $35 for an adult, $30 for young adults/seniors, and $24 for junior/super seniors; or, ski non-holiday Sunday afternoons for $29 (all ages).

Stratton ski and ride deals

The X2 Card gets you one day of non-peak-day skiing plus 35% off off midweek tickets; 25% off weekends; and 15% off peak day tickets. The card costs $79 or $94 after November 26. If you are aged 18 – 29, consider a season pass: $299 if purchased by Christmas. College students pay $49 for midweek, non-holiday tickets. Active members of the military save between 15 and 35% on tickets depending when they ski.

Ski deals at Smugglers' Notch

Other Lift Ticket Discount Programs

Catamount Trail Association Vermont skiing coupon book

As a benefit of becoming a member of Vermont’s Catamount Trail Association, you get a coupon book with coupons for half-price and other discounts at alpine resorts, Nordic ski and mountain bike centers, and more.

Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth Ride and Ski New England Card

This $50 discount card includes deals to resorts such as Bolton Valley, Burke, Jay Peak, Magic Mountain, Sugarbush, Smugglers’ Notch, Killington and Pico ski resorts in Vermont. 

Irving 2-for-1 vouchers

Irving typically offers a two-for-one voucher when you fill up at their gas stations three times. Valid at a handful of Vermont resorts.

January Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month

January is Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month, where Vermont alpine resorts offer beginner programs by reservation for $29 — including a beginner lift ticket, rentals and lesson. Details are posted on the Ski Vermont website. Parents with Vermont kids under 18 should check out the $10 deal on the Vermont Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports website. Availability is limited.

Ski & Ride with the Point

The Point radio station in Vermont sells a $5 button and coupon book with coupons for half-price skiing on predetermined Fridays at predetermined ski areas.

Ski Vermont Fifth-Grade Passport

Fifth-graders get free skiing vouchers for Vermont alpine and cross-country ski resorts for a mere $10 application fee. Visit the Ski Vermont website for details.

Vermont Travel Club Card

This card gets you various lift ticket discounts at 11 Vermont ski resorts. Pay $49 for one card or about $34 per card if you're buying a five-pack for the family. Resorts include: Stowe, Sugarbush, Jay Peak, Bolton Valley, Smugglers' Notch, Killington, Pico, Okemo, Stratton, Mount Snow and Burke.

Winter Trails Day - January 10

For those who have not cross-country skied before, check out the Winter Trails Day deals at the following <link internal-link internal link in current>Nordic ski areas on Saturday, January 10. There are a variety of freebies for newbies: Blueberry Lake, Craftsbury Outdoor Center, Ole's Cross Country, Mountain Top Nordic, Woodstock Nordic, Smugglers' Notch Nordic, Rikert Nordic, Strafford Nordic and Jay Peak Nordic. Register in advance.

Lift Ticket Aggregators

Consider checking online lift ticket retailers. You purchase tickets for specific dates of the ski season.


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