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Sunny Sunday ski tour + early-February snow on its way?

Posted Sunday, January 30, 2022
— Backcountry skiing, Catamount Trail
Skier descends a ski trail through the woods in the sunshine
Nordic skier follows ski tracks through the snow

Saturday's cold tempertures kept us inside doing chores and making Linzer Schnitten cookies (so good!). But Sunday was the day to ski in the sunshine!

It was a balmy 11 degrees midday when we did a short ski tour on a section of the Catamount Trail just a short drive from our home here in northern Vermont. We started kicking and gliding uphill right away so my hands and toes did not have time to get cold. After recent frigid ski outings, that was a welcome change!

The benefit of the cold weather is that we have not had a meltdown. The snow is still light. It was rather sugary in places. Good stuff!

Have you seen the photos of the skiers in Boston during the coastal blizzard this weekend? The Boston area got a dump of two feet of snow. Unfortunately, it only brought a couple meager inches of snow to the southeastern-most corner of Vermont. Nothing to write home about.

Now we're looking ahead and hoping for some solid snowfall in Vermont on Thursday and Friday, February 3 and 4. I know, it's a long ways out, but you gotta keep looking ahead, right?!?

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