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The start of the 2023-2024 ski season has been strong!

Posted Friday, December 8, 2023
— Alpine / downhill skiing, Bolton Valley, Stowe
Skier descends down a wide ski slope
Skier descends a snowy ski trail with snowy hardwood trees in background
View of Smugglers Notch with lots of snow
Snowy wide ski slope
Skier makes a turn through broken powder
View from ski trail of snowy trees and mountains
Branches with red berries are covered in some snow

The higher elevations in Vermont have been enjoying a snowy start to the ski season. Here are a few photos from Thursday, December 7, 2023. It was a cold morning with some very nice packed-powder groomed slopes and some natural-snow trails with broken powder in Stowe, Vt. Good stuff for this early in December!

I visited Bolton Valley earlier this week and was AMAZED at the difference between the bottom of the access road and the top.

This Sunday may screw things up a bit, however. Let's pray that colder temperatures prevail so that after we get the rain that is predicted we then get snow up high.

Keep an eye on ski reports in Vermont.

Have you been out skiing yet this year???

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