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Slideshow, skiing & snowshoe tours on tap for campaign to save Bolton backcountry

Posted Monday, January 14, 2013
— Bolton Valley, Backcountry skiing, Cross-country skiing

The Vermont Land Trust and Friends of Bolton Valley Nordic and Backcountry have planned some fun events this winter as part of the campaign to save the Bolton backcountry land from development.

Two of the events take place this week and weekend, and they include a chance to get out and experience the property in wintertime with some folks who know it well.

The most recent communiqué from the land trust reported that we're 95% of the way to the fundraising goal, with $93,000 left to raise by March 31. Amazing! Now we just need a bit more help to push through to that finish line and conserve the property!

This campaign has been in the works for nearly a year. It started after skiers learned that the owners of Bolton Valley Resort were going to sell off the Nordic and backcountry trail network and land to an individual. Thankfully, that sale did not go through and we're now on our way to purchasing 1,161 scenic, wooded acres and making it part of the Mt. Mansfield State Forest — for all to enjoy.

For more background on this project, visit these two links:

<link http: post vermont-land-trust-steps-in-to-help-skiers-hikers-protect-bolton-valleys-nordic-and-backcountry-l _top external link in new>

<link http: initiatives bolton>

How can you contribute to this effort? Visit the Vermont Land Trust website, above, to make a donation today!

Special Winter Events for the Bolton Campaign

Guided Tours of the Bolton Backcountry

Experience the Bolton Backcountry in the company of those who know it best. The Friends of Bolton Nordic and Backcountry community group has been working hand-in-hand with the Vermont Land Trust to raise the funds necessary to protect the area. And now they're inviting you to get to know the land!

Join members of the Friends group for a free guided tour of the Bolton backcountry property on any one of the following dates at 1 p.m.: Saturday, January 19; Friday, February 8; Saturday, February 23; and Friday, March 8.

Tours are available for intermediate and advanced backcountry and Nordic skiers, as well as for snowshoers. All tours will start and finish at the Nordic Center. As part of The Point Radio's "Ski and Ride with The Point" events on 2/8 and 3/8, access to the Nordic and Backcountry terrain will be 100% free on those two dates; on the two Saturday dates a Nordic pass or day ticket will be required. Contact <link mail window for sending> or (802) 262-1241 for more information about availability, details, or to sign up today!

Benefit Slideshow

Skiing Chamonix: Big Mountain Skiing and Hut-to-Hut Alpine Adventure
Wednesday, January 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Outdoor Gear Exchange, Burlington

Join backcountry skier Murray Banks for an epic slideshow highlighting backcountry adventures along some of the most famous ski routes and regions in the world. Sponsored by Mammut and OGE, the evening will include light hors d'oeuvres from Skinny Pancake, a cash bar, and a fantastic raffle with prizes from Mammut! Tickets are $5 each, available at the door or in advance at the OGE website. All proceeds will benefit the Bolton campaign.

Benefit Raffle

Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour
Friday and Saturday, January 25-26 at 7 p.m.
Davis Center, University of Vermont

Locally sponsored by SkiRack, the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour comes to Burlington every year as a benefit event for the UVM Outing Club. The tour brings a selection of the internationally famous Festival's best films to Vermont—adventure tales of climbing, mountain expeditions, remote cultures, and the world's last great wild places.

This year, SkiRack and the Outing Club will include a massive raffle to benefit the Bolton campaign. Prizes will include a $1,000 shopping spree at SkiRack, a $500 gift card from Patagonia Burlington, a full Rossignol backcountry gear setup, and more. Details and advance tickets for the film festival and the raffle are available at

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