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Skiing into the new year. Happy 2018!

Posted Monday, January 1, 2018
— Cross-country skiing, Catamount Nordic

The sun was getting low this afternoon when we hit the cross-country ski trails.

The snow and classic tracks were good at Catamount Outdoor Center in Williston, Vermont.

Skiing into 2018.

The sun came out today and we waited for the thermometer to climb above 0 degrees. It did, so we set out for a New Year's ski.

We had our long, skinny skis that glided quite well on the cold and squeaky snow. We didn't dally. We kept moving to generate heat.

We both had on thick neckwarmers today (NOT normal for Nordic skiing). Mine kept making my face damp from condensation and I'd wipe it dry with a tissue. But when I went down hills I appreciated that my face was covered. 

This mid-afternoon ski featured the bright sun drifting lower on the horizon. Our shadows were getting long. The lighting at that time of day is gorgeous. Even if the sun wasn't warming us up much, we appreciated it fully.

Here's to many more ski outings in 2018. Happy New Year, everyone!

Oh, and while we're at it, let's all think snow! Maybe something will come together on Thursday???

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