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Ski Vermont 3 Pass is a Vermont ski ticket discount to consider

Posted Thursday, October 9, 2008
— Ticket discounts, Stowe, Bolton Valley, Jay Peak, Sugarbush, Killington, Okemo, Smugglers' Notch, Mad River Glen, Ascutney

<<<link https: lift-ticket-discounts _top external-link-new-window skiing discount>FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE CURRENT VERMONT TICKET DISCOUNTS POST!>>

A snowy ski lodgeSki Vermont, an advocate for the Green Mountain State's ski industry, is offering a limited number of Ski Vermont 3 Passes and Ski Vermont 5 Passes for the coming ski season.

I've never bought one, but here's the scoop: You can purchase this pass now and ski at three different Vermont resorts during non-peak days this winter. The participating ski resorts are: Ascutney, Bolton Valley, Bromley, Burke, Jay Peak, Killington, Mad River Glen, Magic Mountain, Middlebury Snow Bowl, Mount Snow, Okemo, Pico, Smugglers' Notch, Stowe, Stratton, Sugarbush and Suicide Six.

My calculator tells me that the $125 for the 3 Pass works out to $42 a day. Not bad. The 5 Pass goes for $200.

Each resort has its own blackout dates and you can only ski each area once.
Several of the areas will let you use the day passes for a learn-to-ski-or-ride day that includes rentals. For more info and an order form, email Ski Vermont.

I was tempted by this offer so last night I considered other discounts that are available to me, such as Vermonter discount tickets, Ski and Ride with the Point program and the Catamount Trail Association member discount booklet. With that in mind, plus our Bash Badge at Smuggler's Notch, the Skimeister and I decided not to get the Ski Vermont passes. But when you take stock of your options, you may come up with a different result!

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