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Ski areas blasting the snowmaking after nasty weekend of weather

Posted Tuesday, December 24, 2013
— Alpine / downhill skiing, Cross-country skiing, Stowe, Trapp Family Lodge, Craftsbury
Snowmaking at Vermont's Stowe Mountain Resort

Vermont ski areas took a hit this past weekend with nasty weather that included warm temperatures and rain, and even an ice storm up here in northern Vermont. Now that temperatures have fallen back down to those appropriate for the wintertime, the ski resorts are talking up how much snow they are making to bounce back from the weekend. Blast away!

A look at snow reports today reveals terms such as hard pack, frozen granular, machine groomed and loose granular. If you are going to hit the slopes, consider getting a ski tune so your edges are as good as they can be. You'll have more fun!

The Nordic ski areas took a hit, as well, and there are fewer kilometers of trails open and the trail cover is thinner. (5K at Craftsbury and Trapps, for example.)
At least the temperatures are back to normal and snowmaking is happening where it can. We’ll be grateful for a gift of Christmas snow, Mother Nature!

If you are on the snow this holiday week, let us all know how it is where you are (comment below). We’ll do the same!

Skison’s greetings everyone!

Check these pages for direct links to snow conditions: 

  • <link internal-link internal link in current>Vermont alpine ski resorts conditions
  • <link internal-link internal link in current>Vermont cross-country ski areas conditions

Photo: Snowmaking today at Stowe Mountain Resort. Photo courtesy of Stowe's Facebook page.


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