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Saturday cruisin' on skinny skis at Sleepy Hollow Ski Center

Posted Saturday, March 1, 2014
— Cross-country skiing, Sleepy Hollow

Cross-country skiing in the tracks at Sleepy Hollow in Vermont.

Mountain views from the Ridge Road trail.

Surrounded by woods.

Approaching the rustic cabin at about 1300' elevation.

View of Camel's Hump from the cabin.

The Skimeister, tearing around a curve on Butternut Cabin Trail.

The Butternut Cabin Trail.

Such a great day to hit the Nordic ski trails at Sleepy Hollow in Huntington, Vermont. This cross-country center has a mellow feel to it and we didn't pass many people on the trails. Here you are not near any roads — you are out in the woods — so all we heard today was the wind. And today it was windy enough to wear a neckwarmer!

The Skimeister and I skied the intermediate-rated Ridge Road loop and then we climbed the Bishop Trail to the rustic Butternut Cabin. There we stopped to take in views of Camel’s Hump and to drink up some water.

The trails had been recently groomed, which made for very nice skiing conditions. The classic tracks were quite good. The Skimeister had ironed in some kick wax on our classic skis. I love being on our skinniest, waxable Nordic skis — there's very little friction as compared to waxless skis so I can glide well, double-pole effectively, and zoom down the downhills!

When it comes to downhills, the Butternut Cabin Trail has plenty. We took this trail down from the cabin and the lower half is rated "difficult" because it features some fast S-turns. You better have good command of a snowplow or parallel turns if you want to descend on this trail!

This was a great way to get back on the snow and into the woods after a week of work!

Sleepy Hollow Ski Center at a glance 

  • 34 km of cross-country ski trails
  • 20 km of snowshoe trails
  • Limited snowmaking, as needed
  • Pisten Bully 100 grooming, including a tiller
  • Rentals & lessons available
  • Night skiing Mon/Wed/Fri
  • Citizens races on Wednesday nights in Jan. & Feb.
  • Located at 1805 Sherman Hollow Road, Huntington, Vermont
  • <link internal link in current>Visit this page for a link to their snow conditions page

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