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Rain turns to snow in Vermont as cold temps move back in (yay!)

Posted Friday, February 13, 2009
— Alpine / downhill skiing, Cross-country skiing, Killington, Smugglers' Notch

Thank goodness! Winter has returned to northern Vermont after several days of early springtime.

Last night the rain turned over to snow as the temperatures dropped to be seasonal once again. Ski resorts picked up about 3 inches of snow overnight. This morning it was 5 degrees at the top of the mountain at Smugglers' Notch. Welcome back, Old Man Winter!

To see the snow for yourself, check out these Web cams.

<link http: pages winter skiride smuggswebcam.php external-link-new-window>Smugglers' Notch Web cam

<link http: winter the_mountain k1_webcam index.html external-link-new-window>Killington Web cams

Also visit the <link internal-link>snow report links on my Vermont Ski Resorts page to see what's going on at your favorite Vermont resort.

This is a holiday weekend, so you won't find many ski discounts as you head out for the slopes. Still, if you haven't checked out my <link post ski-ticket-discounts-for-vermonters-and-vermonter-wanna-bes external-link-new-window>post about Vermont lift ticket discounts lately, you should visit. I'm updating it through the season.

I like a good skiing deal just as much as the next ski maven!

A few of the updates include:

  • St. Patrick's Day and April Fools Day ski deals at Mad River Glen
  • discount Smugglers' Notch vouchers from area ski shops and $15-off Business Mondays
  • advance-purchase ticket discounts at Killington

Have a great weekend on the snow! I'll be with friends doing some nordic skiing in the Northeast Kingdom. I'm hoping they groom the cross-country trails really, really well.

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