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New snow and some skinny ski events this weekend

Posted Thursday, January 12, 2012
— Cross-country skiing, Ski racing

With some new snow falling around the state (some Vermont resorts reported that up to 5 - 7 inches fell on Thursday, and more snow is expected on Friday), this weekend should shape up to be a good one for outdoor fun! Here are a few interesting nordic skiing related events this weekend that you may be interested in checking out.

1. Watch a biathlon raceBiathlon

Biathlon is a sport that combines heart-pounding cross-country skiing with accurate (hopefully!) target shooting. The Vermont National Guard is hosting the North American Cup series biathlon races this weekend, Friday to Sunday. The races will be held on a course at the Camp Ethan Allen Training Site in Jericho, Vermont (near Smugglers' Notch and Bolton Valley resorts). The event will include a mix of top U.S. and Canadian civilian biathletes competing alongside National Guard biathletes from the Eastern United States. <link http: external-link-new-window>Visit this site and click on Invitation to see the schedule of events.

2. Take part in a fun, family event

The family-friendly Stowe Tour de Snow takes place on Sunday. You cross-country ski, snowshoe or walk sections of the Stowe recreation path and find fun activities and snacks along the way. One highlight is a learn-to-ski station where the Catamount Trail Association outreach program will offer free cross-country skiing instruction and rentals for children. <link http: the-tour the-course external-link-new-window>Visit this site for details.

3. Meet some inspiring skiers

The Stowe Tour de Snow event includes an cross-country sit-ski clinic for adaptive skiers. The night before, you can meet some passionate and accomplished adaptive athletes who will share their athletic experiences and display their high-tech nordic and alpine sit skis. The Saturday afternoon event at the Vermont Ski Museum in Stowe is free but donations are welcome. <link http: adaptive-skiers meet-a-greet external-link-new-window>Learn more here.

4. Hit the trails at a nordic skiing center

It's a good time to check in with your favorite cross-country skiing centers. With the new snow that fell in Vermont, some of them may be re-opening or opening more trails. Woo-hoo! We've started to compile a<link internal-link> list of Vermont's nordic ski centers and links to their ski conditions.

Have fun out there! 


Biathlon photo of Lowell Bailey (yup, he's skiing with a rifle on his back) courtesy of


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