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Mowing or skiing?

Posted Thursday, April 9, 2009
— Spring skiing, Smugglers' Notch, Alpine / downhill skiing

You know it's April in Vermont when on the way to skiing you stop in to look at a lawn mower.

The Skimeister and I saw a used reel mower (you know, the human-powered kind that your grandparents may have had) in Craigslist so we arranged for a look-see. We were lukewarm on the mower, but we really enjoyed our late-afternoon runs at Smugglers' Notch today.

The highest parts of the mountains in northern Vermont have continued to receive some snow. At the very top of Sterling Peak (the only lift now open at Smuggs), if you were to look beyond the snowy trees to the very white Mt. Mansfield, you might think it was February. Near the summit I measured about five inches of newish snow in the shade.

But of course, with warm temperatures the snow is definitely springy. Mashed potatoes and frozen corn come to mind. As you descended trails like Smugglers' Alley the snow on the trees disappeared, and near the base area we hit some slightly slushy areas—the kind that put the brakes on a little too fast!

The snow coverage is still quite good; I avoided all rocks and patches where the grass is showing through.

We most enjoyed Smugglers' Alley to Crossover to Treasure Run, but also liked Upper Rumrunner to a portion of Harvey's, with a short skate over to Full Nelson.

Limited terrain with only Sterling open, but a fun afternoon outing nonetheless!

If the weather is good on Sunday morning, we may hit one of the Easter sunrise services at the top of Stowe or Smugglers' Notch. I've never done it and if the weather cooperates, I think it would be beautiful.

Hockey note: Hats off to the University of Vermont men's hockey team for making it to the Frozen Four. What a feat! Unfortunately, BU overpowered them (5-4) on Thursday night, but it was a heck of a game to watch.

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