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January learn-to-ski deals in Vermont for downhill skiing, riding and cross-country skiing

Posted Saturday, January 2, 2016
— Alpine / downhill skiing, Cross-country skiing, Ticket discounts
Learning to ski/snowboard in Vermont

January has become a great month to introduce a friend or family member to the joys of skiing or snowboarding. And, if Nordic skiing is not yet part of your repertoire, it's a great time for you to try something new, as well!

Learn to Cross-Country Ski or Snowshoe

Saturday, January 9, brings some free or greatly reduced learn-to-cross-country ski or snowshoe events to Nordic centers around the state of Vermont. Strafford, Rikert, Woodstock, Mountain Top, Ole's, Jay Peak, Craftsbury and Blueberry Lake Nordic centers are participating in the national event called “Winter Trails.” Contact these Nordic centers to get the full scoop on what they are offering (trail pass, lesson, rental, etc.) and when. Follow this link to our Vermont Nordic Ski Centers page for Web links.

Learn to Ski or Snowboard

During Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month in January, more than a dozen Vermont alpine resorts offer a discounted beginner program by reservation for $49 — including a beginner lift ticket, rentals and lesson. Details are posted on the Ski Vermont website. Be sure to sign up in advance!

Parents with Vermont kids under 18 should check out the $20 deal on the Vermont Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports website. Availability is limited.

Photo: Gathering for lessons at Pico Mountain, Vermont.

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