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Enjoying some fluffy new snow in northern Vermont

Posted Sunday, February 18, 2024
— Alpine / downhill skiing, Backcountry skiing
Skier in pink makes a turn in knee-deep powder
Skier skins up the hill as the snow falls
Tlte skier does a tele turn in powdery snow

So grateful for new snow!

At higher elevations in northern Vermont, we've seen quite a bit of fluffy new snow in the last couple of days. Above 1600 feet or so there's often a decent, frozen base, as well. (Lower than that, there may not be a base at all in the woods.) Of course, there's a good base on the snowmaking trails at the ski areas.

We've enjoyed some fun skiing in low-angle glades and woods. Check out the pics.

Being out in the snow-filled woods is good for the soul! So pretty!


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