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Cross-country cruising on a sunny Sunday in Vermont

Posted Sunday, February 4, 2024
— Cross-country skiing, Rikert
Cross-country skis in foreground at top of snowy hill with snowy mountain range
Mustard-yellow building with ski tracks passing by it
A groomed cross-country ski trail in the woods
Classic ski tracks heading toward a white building and mustard-yellow building
Panoramic view of snow-covered mountain range and blue sky

Wow! What a glorious Sunday for skiing! Sure we could use some more snow, but I had a great time on the cross-country trails at Rikert Outdoor Center in Ripton, Vermont.

This Nordic center is operated by Middlebury College. They usually have some of the best grooming around. They can even make snow on some of their trails, which has really helped.

And check out the views in the area! If you cross Route 125 and go on their Practice Loops, you get a panoramic view of the mountains in the Breadloaf Wilderness. The mountain range is currently all caked in white. Put that against a brilliant blue sky, and wow, what a sight!!!

Hope you got out on the snow this weekend!

P.S. Sorry for the radio silence lately. Life has been busy. (All the more reason to get out and ski in the sunshine!)

Vermont ski conditions

Check out the conditions at your favorite Vermont Nordic ski centers and Vermont ski resorts.

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