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Catamount Trail celebrates completion of trail with many events

Posted Friday, February 22, 2008
— Backcountry skiing, Trapp Family Lodge, Bolton Valley, Catamount Trail
Ah, the beauty of backcountry skiing in Vermont!

Ah, the beauty of backcountry skiing in Vermont!

Ah, the beauty of backcountry skiing!The Catamount Trail Association (CTA), the group that cares for the 300-mile trail that runs the length of Vermont, got some good press a couple of days ago in the Burlington Free Press.

The article is not online (sorry, the Free Press site is extremely lame) but it reported that the organization is hosting the most ski trips and events this winter than ever before. About 30 individuals are leading nearly 60 ski tours.

The tours are rated for different abilities and you must sign up in advance. Check out the Catamount Trail Web site at <link http:> for upcoming trips and events.

The organization has created a new event called the Backcountry Challenge Race, slated for March 8. The 19-km event will be a mass start cross-country ski race from the Trapp Family Lodge Touring Center to Bolton Valley Resort. Participants will make their way through the woods via the Catamount Trail, of course.

I have the Bolton-to-Trapp trail (in the opposite direction as the Backcountry Challenge) on my list of things to do this winter and you can be sure that I won't be doing it on March 8!

Upcoming CTA trips include Root Beer Ridge (now that sounds like my kind of place!) near Weston, Vt., Lincoln Gap to Route 17 in Warren, and the inaugural ski tour of the Kendall Farm Road to Route 30 section in Winhall, Vt. This was the final section of the Catamount Trail to be secured just this fall.

Get y'rself a membership and let the touring begin. There's snow in the forecast for Vermont!

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