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2016 Opening dates for Vermont ski resorts. Are you ready?

Posted Monday, November 7, 2016
— Alpine / downhill skiing, Fall & early season, Bromley, Jay Peak, Killington, Mount Snow, Okemo, Stowe, Sugarbush, Stratton
2016 Vermont ski resort opening dates

Updated 12/21/2016 AM

If Mother Nature cooperates and delivers cold weather, several Vermont ski resorts hope to make enough snow to open some limited terrain in November. Others plan on December openings. Of course, you may have heard that Killington started spinning a couple of lifts in October!

Here are the TENTATIVE 2016 opening dates, weather permitting. The info was gathered from resort websites and Ski Vermont. Get a direct link to each ski resort's status and conditions on our <link ski resorts>Vermont Ski Resorts page.

Check on early-season lift schedules before you plan to hit the hill — some resorts close midweek early in the season!

Vermont Ski Resorts - 2016

Bolton Valley: NOW OPEN

Bromley: NOW OPEN

Burke Mountain: NOW OPEN

Cochran's: Now slated for December 23

Jay Peak:  NOW OPEN

Killington: NOW OPEN

Mad River Glen: NOW OPEN

Magic Mountain: Now slated for December 24

Middlebury Snow Bowl: NOW OPEN

Mount Snow: NOW OPENVermont ski resorts open

Northeast Slopes: Now slated for December 26

Okemo Mountain: NOW OPEN

Pico Mountain: NOW OPEN

Quechee: Now slated for December 23

Smugglers' Notch: NOW OPEN


Stratton: NOW OPEN

Sugarbush: NOW OPEN

Suicide Six: NOW OPEN

Photos: Starlit snowmaking at Killington on November 5, 2016. Photo courtesy of Killington's Facebook page.

Stowe Mountain on December 6, 2016.


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