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2009 Ski film season starts in Burlington, Vermont

Posted Thursday, September 3, 2009
— Ski movies, Fall & early season

<<<link post ski-movies-in-vermont-fuel-the-stoke-for-the-approaching-2012-2013-ski-season _blank external-link-new-window ski>FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR THE 2012 LIST OF SKI MOVIES IN VERMONT!>>

It’s nice to see some smaller ski film producers sharing their wares in Vermont along with the likes of Warren Miller and TGR. Here’s a list of ski movies that I know of thus far – starting as early as September 5. Do check their Web sites for film details, date changes, etc.

Updated 1/20/10


September 5, 2009

“Neverland” by Absinthe Films

Merrill's Roxy Theater, Burlington, Vermont

<link http:>


September 10

"Cool Story" by Think Thank

CC Theatre, UVM, Burlington, Vt.

<link http: events.html>


September 22

"Everyday Is A Saturday" and "Contrast" by Poor Boyz Productions

CC Theatre, UVM, Burlington, Vt.

<link http: tour cc-theater-billings-student-center external-link-new-window>


September 25

"Wild Stallions" by Meathead Films

University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.

<link http: events all external-link-new-window>


October 2

"The Airblaster Movie" by Airblaster

CC Theatre, UVM, Burlington, Vt.

<link http:>


October 8

"Refresh" by Level 1 Productions

CC Theatre, UVM, Burlington, Vt.

<link http: external-link-new-window>


October 10

“Re:Session” by Teton Gravity Research

Flynn Theater, Burlington, Vt.

<link http: tickets>

Also showing November 20 at Bicentennial Hall, Middlebury College, Vermont

<link http: tour>


October 16

"In Deep" by MSP

Higher Ground, South Burlington

<link http: index.php individual-tour-dates burlington-vt>

Also showing at Middlebury College on November 6


November 6

"The Freeheel Life" by Josh Madsen
and "Signatures" by Sweetgrass Productions

shown as part of the Barn Bash in Cambridge, Vermont

<link fileadmin files barn-bash.jpg download>See the poster


November 21 and 22

“Dynasty” by Warren Miller Entertainment

Flynn Theater, Burlington, Vt.

<link http: tickets>;  


December 10

"The Freeheel Life" by Josh Madsen

Big Picture Theater, Waitsfield, Vermont

<link http: external-link-new-window>


December 26 - 29

“Dynasty” by Warren Miller Entertainment

Vermont Ski Museum, Stowe, Vermont

<link http:>


January 21, 2010

“Dynasty” by Warren Miller Entertainment

Vermont Ski Museum, Stowe, Vermont

<link http:>


January 29 and January 30

Banff Mountain Film Festival

Ira Allen Chapel, University of Vermont

<link http: mountainculture tour films external-link-new-window>

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