Archives by date
November 2008

First turns at Smugglers' Notch ski resort on the final day of November
Posted 11/30/08
Phew! I just snuck in under the wire. I'm happy to report that I took my first turns for the season…

15 ski films to see at Stowe Film Fest starting Saturday
Posted 11/25/08
This sounds like fun in Stowe this weekend: 15 skiing and riding films will be screened around town…

Snowy Mt. Mansfield and a ski movie get me motivated for ski season
Posted 11/23/08
What a combination: a snowy Mt. Mansfield and the glow of a setting sun. The mountain was pink this…

Blowing + falling snow = happy Vermont ski resorts
Posted 11/20/08
Since temperatures did a swan dive on Sunday evening, we've been enjoying steady, cold temperatures…

Ski ticket discounts for Vermonters (and Vermont-resident-wanna-be's)
Posted 11/17/08
Warm and wet weather pushes back openings at Vermont ski resorts
Posted 11/15/08
It's raining here in northern Vermont and it's in the 50s. Yeah, it isn't a pretty picture. But,…
Opening dates for Vermont ski resorts—where will you ski first?
Posted 11/10/08
I got an e-mail from Ski Vermont and it included a run-down of opening dates for Vermont ski…

Uncoordinated? You may want to check out Okemo's new "loading belts"
Posted 11/10/08
Your first chairlift ride as a beginner can be frightening. I remember as a ski instructor that…

And we're off and skiing in Vermont!
Posted 11/3/08
Killington ski resort opened for the ski season on Sunday, November 2. The Big K ski conditions page…
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