Archives by date
December 2007
Cross-country touring at Catamount
Posted 12/22/07
Before hitting the road for Christmas, I clicked into skinny skis and had an enjoyable cross-country…

I love my mittens
Posted 12/15/07
It's days like today that I praise the snowgods, and my parents for buying me my favorite pair of…

Things are starting to go downhill
Posted 12/9/07
Today I buckled into my aging, but lovable, Tecnica ski boots (this is the year that I'm getting new…

Beautiful backcountry day!
Posted 12/8/07
What a way to start the ski season. The Skimeister and I went up to Bolton Valley's backcountry…

Frosted trees on Mansfield
Posted 12/1/07
If you've never visited the Green Mountain Club website, I will offer you a fun reason to do so now.…
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