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Camel's Hump Nordic on a sunny Monday


We rounded out our long weekend with our third ski in three days. The sun was brilliant and we wanted some new scenery. We went to the Camel's Hump Nordic Center. It's run by volunteers and you pay a $10 trail fee on the honor system.

This cross-country center has scenic trails in a quiet corner of Huntington, Vermont. The afternoon sun splashed gorgeous light through the trees. There is some logging going on near the Crow's Foot and Stagecoach trails, however. So steer clear of those trails.

The trails had a base, despite last week's thaw. There were icy spots here and there. The trails that were groomed were hard-packed. It was tough to get "kick" sometimes on my waxless skis. I tried to ski through the sugar-like snow on the sides of the trail when possible. It was an inch or two deep.

Let's hope for some snow this week to freshen up trails of all kinds!

Camel’s Hump Nordic at a Glance

  • 35 km of cross-country ski trails — some groomed and tracked and some backcountry trails
  • A 501(c)3 nonprofit organization run by volunteers
  • Located in Huntington, Vermont
  • Two parking areas: On Handy Road and at the top of Bert White Road
  • Un-patrolled trails, no facilities
  • Trail network dates back to 1979
  • The Catamount Trail runs through the trail network
  • The Honey Hollow backcountry trail can be accessed from here (see blog post)

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