Spring skiing

Earning our turns: Backcountry skiing on a sunny day in northern Vermont
Posted 3/25/18
Saturday was such a pretty day. Blue sky, rather warm temperatures and still lots of snow to play in! The Skimeister and I earned our turns in the backcountry. We skinned up into the Bolton Valley…

Spring skiing in Vermont - April 2017
Posted 4/16/17
We get people sending us questions through social media and our blog. Sometimes they ask whether they should book a ski vacation in Vermont in April. "Will there be snow?" they ask. We usually…

It felt like winter on Saturday; spring on Sunday. A fun, snow-filled April weekend!
Posted 4/9/17
I had to double check the date that was appearing on my phone on Saturday. We went out for a backcountry ski and it felt and looked like February rather than April 8! Saturday in the Backcountry We…

Lots of springy snow for cross-country skiing on April 2
Posted 4/2/17
Today's weather beat out our expectations today. It turned out to be gloriously sunny while we were on the trails at Trapp Family Lodge Cross-Country Center! There is still so much snow on the trails…

April showers us with dense powder!
Posted 4/1/17
Yay for powder skiing in April! No, it wasn't the lightest powder, but what do you expect so late in the season? It was a blast to hit about 12 inches of new snow at Mad River Glen today. We were in…

Deep snowpack in the backcountry on the first day of spring
Posted 3/20/17
Today I sampled the deep snowpack at a variety of elevations and aspects in the backcountry trail network in Bolton, Vermont. If it faced north or was in the shade of pine trees, the snow was somewhat…

Tuesday offered soft, spring turns at Bolton Valley Resort, Vermont
Posted 2/28/17
Midweek skiing is the best! It's school vacation week for many Vermonters, but you wouldn't know it on the hill today. We skied right up to the lift nearly every lap. We knew the temperatures would…

Springtime exploring in backcountry was challenging on Saturday
Posted 2/26/17
As we started a ski tour on the Bolton Valley backcountry trail network on Saturday, it was immediately clear: The snow was melting in a big way. The river and brooks were gushing with water that was…

Soaking up the sun while skiing at Ole's Cross-Country Center
Posted 2/22/17
When I cross-country skied almost two weeks ago, I nearly froze my fingers off in the bitter wind. Today I could have worn a t-shirt and gone without gloves. Spring temperatures have come early to…

Soft-snow skiing for our Sunday
Posted 2/19/17
Friday we enjoyed mid-February powder. Today we enjoyed mid-March "powder." OK, it was more like a deep bowl of mashed potatoes, but it was pretty fun to ski in the backcountry! We skinned up into…

One Vermont ski resort left for skiing in May
Posted 5/2/16
Two more Vermont ski resorts had their final day of operation. On Sunday, May 1, 2016, Jay Peak and Sugarbush ran their lifts for the last time this ski season. Only one resort will run its lifts…

You can still get some turns in until May 1 — maybe longer?
Posted 4/25/16
If you want to get a few last turns in for the season, there's one Vermont ski resort open this midweek, and two more plan to reopen for the coming weekend — April 30 and May 1. The terrain is very,…

And more turns on this sunny weekend!
Posted 4/10/16
April powder is special. Bright sun is icing on the cake. We earned more turns on Sunday at another closed ski area — and we were not the only ones with this brilliant idea!

April snow means we keep making turns
Posted 4/10/16
Old Man Winter seems to be a bit confused this year. He is making it snow in the springtime, rather than dumping snow on us in the winter months. Well, we'll take it whenever he can offer it. The…

And then there were five...
Posted 4/4/16
There are four Vermont ski resorts open this week, plus a fifth will reopen this weekend for its final weekend. While recent weather has given us a taste of winter (snow is falling in southern and…

Earning some more turns this week
Posted 3/31/16
To get a good dose of exercise, vitamin D, and vitamin Ski, we've been going out to earn some turns. On Wednesday we spent our lunch break doing just that. On a ski trail that has a snowmaking base,…

Spending Easter on the slopes at Smugglers’ Notch
Posted 3/28/16
Another sunny, warm day in northern Vermont. It was nearly a requirement to hit the snow again! The Skimeister and I spent part of Easter Day on the slopes at Smugglers’ Notch Resort. There weren't…

Skinning and turning in the sunshine — oh, yeah!
Posted 3/26/16
Here are a few shots from a lovely midday skin today to the top of the Timberline area at Vermont’s Bolton Valley Resort. The ski area is now closed so if you want to make use of their left-over…

Sweet surprise: A snowy Friday at Stowe, Vermont!
Posted 3/18/16
What a sweet surprise to ski in some powder this morning! We knew there was a chance for a little snow falling in the early morning hours, but we weren't expecting up to five inches on the upper…

Which Vermont ski areas are still open for spring skiing?
Posted 3/15/16
Springtime often brings soft snow, fickle weather and traditions such as pond skimming, but it also means that ski areas begin to wrap up operations. Here's a look at which Vermont ski areas are…
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