Spring skiing

Spring skiing in Vermont! Woot-woot!
Posted 4/2/14
It was soft. It was sunny. It was fun! I'm talking about our spring skiing runs at Bolton Valley Resort today! We felt like we had the resort to ourselves as we swished through the soft snow on…

Fun under the spring sun
Posted 4/22/13
A couple more Vermont ski resorts closed this weekend, but not before skiers and riders hit the slopes for springtime fun under the sun. Here are a few shots from this weekend that we found on…

Which Vermont ski resorts are still open in mid-April 2013?
Posted 4/16/13
So this is what I've got on the topic of which Vermont ski resorts are still open now that it's mid-April... Many mountaintops were still looking white today. It's not too late to get some turns in!…

Beaver Creek, Colorado: Spring skiing down memory lane
Posted 4/14/13
Years ago I taught skiing at “The Beav.” That's what the locals called Beaver Creek Resort back in the day. It’s a sunny Colorado ski area with about 1,800 skiable acres located 10 miles west of its…

Vail powder skiing this week was more like mid-winter in Colorado than April!
Posted 4/12/13
This week SkiMaven continued a Colorado skiing adventure by heading to Vail Resort and Beaver Creek Resort. (I think I've mentioned that I'm spoiled rotten, right!?!) Located on Interstate 70 about…

Copper Mountain: Bowls, spring bumps, broad cruisers & solid snow coverage in Colorado's Summit County
Posted 4/8/13
SkiMaven took a field trip this weekend to Copper Mountain in Colorado's Summit County! I've skied there two days before – many years ago – and I recalled that I enjoyed this sizeable ski resort, but…

Winter is not letting go — Are you skiing this first weekend of April?
Posted 4/3/13
Winter is resisting the change of seasons, and it’s alright with me! The last couple of days brought some fresh snow fall on northern Vermont mountains. The temperatures also stayed cool. Although…

More springtime fun: Spring skiing at Jay Peak & pond skimming!
Posted 3/29/13
Had a great spring skiing day at Jay Peak today. The snow was soft and plentiful, and the weather turned out to be much better than predicted! We enjoyed a mix of sun, snowflakes and clouds. We…

Snowy and springy up high
Posted 3/28/13
I took a short backcountry ski up at Bolton Valley on Wednesday. It was around lunch time and the sun was shining brightly. There is still a lot of snow up on the trails! I stuck my pole in the snow…

Springtime rituals include Easter sunrise services (and first tracks!) & egg hunts
Posted 3/26/13
Easter is hopping closer! This year it falls on Sunday, March 31. Vermont ski resorts often have Easter-themed events to get families out on the snow. Some ski areas also hold mountain-top sunrise…

Crazy April snowstorm in the mountains
Posted 4/10/12
More than a foot of snow reported at top of Mt. Mansfield, Jay and Killington! It's been snowing up high for over a day. Killington and Jay Peak are open and they are reporting 15+ inches of new snow…
Die-hard skiers still getting some turns
Posted 4/5/12
For the extreme die-hards out there: Killington and Jay Peak are still open. Sugarbush has been closed during this midweek and they said: “We will open for certain this Saturday with skiing and riding…
With whacked-out, summer temperatures, the season is winding down
Posted 3/23/12
Vermont has experienced summer-like temperatures over the last week. We've been wearing shorts and t-shirts. The sun has shone brightly as well, and while this makes for lovely weather to recreate in,…

Ridiculously blue sky day; Might be my last nordic ski
Posted 3/18/12
The Skimeister and I did a mellow tour up on Bolton Valley’s backcountry trails today. You’ll see that it was so sunny and warm that he was in a t-shirt. Snow is melting very fast in the lower…

Sunshine skiing above the clouds
Posted 3/17/12
The Skimeister and I went skiing at Smugglers’ Notch this morning, and we were delighted to find that we’d start by skiing above the clouds! The conditions were spring-like. It was very hard/frozen…
A spring skiing day in every sense of the word
Posted 3/16/12
My friend took the day off to score a $17 ticket at Mt. Ellen at Sugarbush. (It was a pre-St. Patrick’s Day deal). It would have been rude of me to let her go alone, so I joined her despite a dismal…

I feasted on corn snow at Sugarbush today!
Posted 4/22/11
After a delicious lunch stop at the The Mad Taco in Waitsfield, I headed up to Sugarbush for an afternoon of sunny spring skiing. I feasted on corn snow — that super soft, granular snow that we get to…
Three ski resorts remain open in Vermont
Posted 4/21/11
You can still ride the lifts at three ski resorts in Vermont: Sugarbush, Jay Peak and Killington. And the weather looks nice for Friday and perhaps Sunday, which is Easter. Are you going to hop to it…

Spring skiing in Vermont. Got sunscreen?
Posted 4/9/11
I met up with a couple ski buddies at Smugglers' Notch on Friday for an afternoon of sun and snow and smiles. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, there really is a lot of snow up in the…

Wonderful winterish - spring skiing on Saturday
Posted 4/3/11
Had a great time skiing with some ski buddies at Smugglers' Notch, Vermont, on Saturday. We enjoyed about 3 to 4 inches of new snow on top of a very strong base of snow. We kept remarking how good the…
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