Bolton Valley

Eating up the marshmallow fluff this afternoon at Bolton Valley
Posted 1/8/10
I skied this afternoon at Bolton Valley in some super-light snow that had fallen in the last 24 hours -- and it was as tasty a treat as a Fluffernutter sandwich. In fact, light, fluffy snowflakes…

Free events at nearly a dozen Vermont nordic centers on Sat., January 9
Posted 1/5/10
It's time for all you cross-country skiing and snowshoeing never-evers to hit the trail! Nearly a dozen Vermont nordic ski centers are offering free introductions to these winter sports on Saturday,…

New Year's Eve festivities à la Bolton Valley
Posted 1/1/10
The Skimeister and I met up with friends Thursday night at Vermont's Bolton Valley Resort. We wanted to take in the ski resort's New Year's Eve festivities, which included a torchlight parade and…
Some new snow in Vermont
Posted 12/23/09
Vermont ski resorts are reporting a couple of inches of new snow this morning — with the snow continuing today in many places. At the stake at the top of Mt. Mansfield yesterday afternoon, there…

Gorgeous blue sky and white trees in backcountry today
Posted 12/18/09
A bluebird day. Darn cold, but blue! The trees on the ridges around Bolton Valley looked like they were frosting decorations on a cake. We went for an end-of-the-afternoon ski on the backcountry…

Wintry backcountry outing today at Bolton Valley
Posted 12/12/09
If it's not wintry in your neck of the woods, then you have to head to higher ground. It was down-right snowy up at Bolton Valley's backcountry trails today in Vermont. The Skimeister and I went for…

Vermont lift ticket discounts, skiing deals in 2009 & 2010 for Vermont residents and everyone!
Posted 10/13/09
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE 2014 - 2015 POST ABOUT VERMONT LIFT TICKET DISCOUNTS!>> I've been scouring the Internet, Facebook, Twitter and more for you (you can thank me later) in search of the…

Vermont season pass deals: Seize best deals on ski passes and discount programs in early fall
Posted 8/13/09
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE 2013-2014 SEASON PASS DEAL DEADLINE POST!>> I’m sitting at my computer in a tank top and shorts, sipping a half-and-half (half lemonade and half iced tea). At the same time…

What’s new on the mountain at Bolton Valley and Smugglers’ Notch ski resorts?
Posted 8/7/09
Bolton Valley and Smugglers’ Notch ski resorts in Vermont are excellent choices for those who live in and around Burlington and Chittenden County. And for those who are visiting the area, they are…

Heading for the final stretch
Posted 4/3/09
Believe it or not, many Vermont resorts picked up a few inches of snow early this week. I skied in it a bit late Thursday afternoon in the Bolton Valley backcountry trails. With the warm…

Photos from Bolton Valley backcountry spring skiing
Posted 3/28/09
The Skimeister and I went to Bolton Valley Resort on Friday afternoon for an afternoon spring ski on the backcountry trails. I wasn't completely sure what to expect back there, but the snow was very…

Snow, snow, snow!
Posted 2/22/09
-- MONDAY PM UPDATE: Lots of snow. Lots of wind. Mad River Glen says they've received nearly five feet in five days. Their single chair was closed today due to high winds which shut down many lifts…

New snow in VT, and skiing competitions, near and far
Posted 2/20/09
Wow—along with some amazing new snow (it kept snowing yesterday in the mountains of Vermont), there are some hot skiing competitions happening here and abroad, as well. As for the snow, Bolton Valley…
Damn cold here in Vermont—might as well try a new restaurant in ski country
Posted 1/16/09
Depending on where you live in Vermont, you woke up this morning to temperatures in the order of -24 or -17. It was so cold last night that my house let out some very strange sounds. (Hope the siding…
The snow's been falling here in Vermont; 51 inches now at the stake
Posted 1/8/09
OK folks, while our economic recession is still trying to find its bottom, here in Vermont we're in a rebound of sorts. After a warm-up around Christmas time, we've cooled off and enjoyed some…

January 10: Free cross-country skiing or snowshoeing at several resorts, and a Ladies Nordic Expo
Posted 1/5/09
Freebies don't come along every day, so this is one to take advantage of this weekend. Several Vermont nordic centers are offering free or discounted trail passes, cross-country skiing lessons and…

Cold temps, snow in Vermont got me thinking about Mr. Bentley and his snowflakes
Posted 12/31/08
This week the temperatures have been dropping, making for some great snowmaking weather and natural flakes falling from the sky. The temperature in Jericho, Vermont, has dropped to 10 degrees (F)…

Ski ticket discounts for Vermonters (and Vermont-resident-wanna-be's)
Posted 11/17/08
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE CURRENT VERMONT LIFT TICKET DISCOUNTS!>> Updated 3/13/2009 2008-2009 Season Deals I've compiled a list of Vermont ski ticket discounts. That's right, these are some…

College season passes in Vermont make me want to hit the books again!
Posted 10/21/08
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO 2013-2014 SEASON PASS DEADLINE INFO>> Did you know Vermont has more colleges per capita than any other state? It's true. And all those students are now cramming for one of the…

Ski Vermont 3 Pass is a Vermont ski ticket discount to consider
Posted 10/9/08
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE CURRENT VERMONT TICKET DISCOUNTS POST!>> Ski Vermont, an advocate for the Green Mountain State's ski industry, is offering a limited number of Ski Vermont 3 Passes and Ski…
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