
Which resorts are open for Thanksgiving weekend 2012?
Posted 11/20/12
A gaggle of Vermont ski resorts plan to open this long holiday weekend! They join the four ski resorts that are already spinning their lifts: Killington, Okemo, Stowe and Sugarbush. The new group…

More Vermont ski areas poised to open
Posted 11/14/12
November had brought some steady cold temperatures, until Monday hit with record highs! Luckily, that didn't last long and ski resorts are back at making snow and picking up some natural snow at…

Clearing skies afford views of new natural snow and manmade, too
Posted 11/6/12
The peaks in Vermont have been collecting some natural snow over the last few days, making them a beautiful white. (The National Weather Service is reporting 10 inches of snow at the stake atop Mt.…
Tentative opening dates for 2012 - 2013 at Vermont ski resorts
Posted 11/1/12
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR THE 2013-2014 POST ABOUT OPENINGS>> Updated 12/22/2012 PM When are Vermont ski resorts opening? Ski Vermont has released a list of the tentative opening dates for Vermont ski…

2012 – 2013 Vermont lift ticket discounts and ski ticket deals for Vermont residents and our friends everywhere!
Posted 10/23/12
<<CLICK HERE FOR THE CURRENT VERMONT TICKET DISCOUNTS POST!>> Updated 3/15/2013 Finding the best lift ticket values takes a little bit of poking around. We’re here to help as we’ve scoured the…

Early October snow atop Vermont's high peaks
Posted 10/8/12
The National Weather Services is reporting up to 3.5 inches of snow on Vermont's high peaks! They say snow was confined to above 3,000 feet of elevation or so. Photos are coming in from Vermont's ski…

Vermont 2012-2013 season pass deal deadlines are approaching
Posted 8/16/12
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE 2013-2014 POST ABOUT SEASON PASS DEAL DEADLINES!>> Updated 10/31/12 It’s mid-August and the summer in Vermont has been mighty fine, but many a skier and rider are already…

Farmers’ markets in Vermont's ski towns
Posted 7/16/12
It’s veggie time in the mountains of Vermont! Vermont's ski towns are among those that have weekly farmers' markets when the snow is not flying. The Vermont Agency of Agriculture produces a handy web…
With whacked-out, summer temperatures, the season is winding down
Posted 3/23/12
Vermont has experienced summer-like temperatures over the last week. We've been wearing shorts and t-shirts. The sun has shone brightly as well, and while this makes for lovely weather to recreate in,…
A spring skiing day in every sense of the word
Posted 3/16/12
My friend took the day off to score a $17 ticket at Mt. Ellen at Sugarbush. (It was a pre-St. Patrick’s Day deal). It would have been rude of me to let her go alone, so I joined her despite a dismal…

Fast, cruising skiing today at Sugarbush with a storm on the horizon
Posted 1/11/12
Today was all about fast, cruising ski runs at Sugarbush’s Mount Ellen. I headed over to spend some time on my alpine skis on a cloudy morning turned partly sunny midday. I zipped down the stiff…

More snowy surprises for central and northern Vermont
Posted 12/29/11
Ski resorts in the northern and central parts of Vermont picked up another round of unexpectedly high snowfall yesterday. Depending on location, it was on the order of 6 to 12 inches of snow! (Check…

Sunny, high-mountain runs at Sugarbush today
Posted 12/12/11
I knew the forecast called for a gloriously sunny Monday, so I rearranged my work schedule to get some runs in this morning instead of over the busy weekend. And I was rewarded with an uncrowded…

First turns of the season today!
Posted 12/4/11
What a nice, sunny weekend. And it featured some first-of-the-season happenings today: Stratton opened for the season Smugglers’ Notch opened for the season I got my first turns of the season…

Snowmaking resumes and ski lifts will turn this weekend
Posted 12/2/11
This time of year can really try a skier's patience. Temperatures rise and fall. Rain can sneek in, rather than snow. And sometimes we can get a blizzard. You just never know. As we turned our…
Warm temperatures early this week will keep some lifts closed
Posted 11/28/11
Mother Nature helped fuel the excitement for a snowy start to the 2011 - 2012 ski season, and five Vermont ski resorts ran lifts this Thanksgiving weekend. But today two of the ski areas have closed…

More Vermont ski resorts to open
Posted 11/23/11
This Thanksgiving we're thankful for some fresh snow falling in Vermont! Some higher elevations and ski areas are reporting 6 to 10 inches of new snow so far this morning. The amount depends on…

Snow may be on its way in time for more Vermont ski resorts to open for Thanksgiving weekend
Posted 11/22/11
I flew in over a frosty-topped Camel's Hump yesterday afternoon after a trip out of town. I soon heard that the forecast calls for a winter storm tonight into Wednesday! Could be a few to several…

When do Vermont ski resorts plan to open for 2011 - 2012?
Posted 11/5/11
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR THE 2018-2019 POST ABOUT OPENINGS>> With that crazy October snowstorm, Mother Nature allowed Killington to get a jump-start to the ski season. The resort continues to offer…

Vermont ski ticket deals, discount lift tickets for 2011 - 2012 for Vermont residents and all skiers & riders!
Posted 10/21/11
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE CURRENT VERMONT LIFT TICKET DISCOUNTS!>> Updated 3/5/2012 When it comes to the 2011 - 2012 ski season, are you wondering what’s new for lift ticket discounts in Vermont?…
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