
Mountain improvements at southern Vermont ski resorts Bromley, Magic and Stratton
Posted 9/27/10
This season it was challenging to get information on Vermont ski resort mountain improvements. You see, I like to write about the on-mountain, skiing-related improvements because those apply to all…

2010 – 2011 Season pass discount deadlines for Vermont ski resorts
Posted 8/20/10
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE 2012-2012 SEASON PASS DEAL DEADLINE POST!>> Updated 9/1/2010 It’s inching closer to Labor Day, school time and the colors of fall — and it’s time to think about season…

Globe reports on Magic Mountain ski area trying to become a coop
Posted 2/8/10
Magic Mountain ski area in southern Vermont made the front page of today's Boston Globe. This small ski area is selling shares in an attempt to become a cooperatively owned ski area, much like Mad…

I think I ski better in the sunshine
Posted 12/19/09
We were on the lift at Smugglers' Notch this morning with some friends by about 8:30 a.m. An hour earlier the temperature had been a balmy 5 degrees at the top of Sterling Mountain. Luckily, the sun…
When do Vermont ski resorts open?
Posted 10/9/09
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE 2018-2019 OPENING DATES!>> I received a list of Vermont ski resort opening dates in my email, as reported by Ski Vermont. Of course, these may change, depending on the…

On-mountain improvements at Sugarbush, Mount Snow & Magic resorts include glades
Posted 9/28/09
OK folks, ski resort crews are making snow in Colorado and they have had some natural snowfall at higher elevations, too. Later this week, Vermont mountaintops may actually see some early snowflakes.…

Deal of the week: Buy a piece of Magic Mountain ski area in Vermont for $3,000
Posted 6/3/09
THE DEAL What: Magic Mountain Ski Resort is being converted into a limited liability corporation and will sell shares in the company Where: Londonderry, Vermont How much: A share costs $3,000.Heck,…

Ski ticket discounts for Vermonters (and Vermont-resident-wanna-be's)
Posted 11/17/08
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE CURRENT VERMONT LIFT TICKET DISCOUNTS!>> Updated 3/13/2009 2008-2009 Season Deals I've compiled a list of Vermont ski ticket discounts. That's right, these are some…
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