
Gondolas and Groomers: Skiing this week at Killington Resort, Vermont
Posted 2/1/14
At Killington Resort this week, I gained a greater appreciation for gondolas. It's been cold in Vermont recently and Wednesday and Thursday of this week followed suit. We bundled up to hit the…
When do Vermont ski resorts open in 2013?
Posted 11/7/13
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE 2018-2019 OPENING DATES!>> Updated 12/17/13 For the 2013-2014 ski season in Vermont, here's a list of opening dates. These may change according to weather patterns, of…

SkiMaven's annual Vermont lift ticket discount post for 2013 - 2014. Bring on the skiing deals!
Posted 10/31/13
<<CLICK HERE FOR THE CURRENT VERMONT TICKET DISCOUNTS POST!>> Updated 3/16/14 Everyone wants to find a good deal once in a while and skiers and riders are no different. We've taken a look around the…

A few October snowflakes, dropping temps, and Killington will open this weekend!
Posted 10/23/13
It didn't take long for Killington to jump on the cold temperatures that have just arrived in Vermont this week. After making some snow last night, Killington announced today it will offer some very…

What’s New? Central and northern Vermont ski resort improvements for 2013 / 2014
Posted 10/14/13
As a skier or rider, it’s good to know about the changes you can expect at Vermont ski resorts this winter. Here’s a look at on-mountain improvements that have been announced at northern and central…

Freak late-May snow on highest Vermont peaks
Posted 5/27/13
No, this post is not dated incorrectly. It is in fact Memorial Day Weekend and the images you see do indeed show fresh snow atop some of Vermont's highests peaks! After several days of rain (we were…

Fun under the spring sun
Posted 4/22/13
A couple more Vermont ski resorts closed this weekend, but not before skiers and riders hit the slopes for springtime fun under the sun. Here are a few shots from this weekend that we found on…

Which Vermont ski resorts are still open in mid-April 2013?
Posted 4/16/13
So this is what I've got on the topic of which Vermont ski resorts are still open now that it's mid-April... Many mountaintops were still looking white today. It's not too late to get some turns in!…

More springtime fun: Spring skiing at Jay Peak & pond skimming!
Posted 3/29/13
Had a great spring skiing day at Jay Peak today. The snow was soft and plentiful, and the weather turned out to be much better than predicted! We enjoyed a mix of sun, snowflakes and clouds. We…

Springtime rituals include Easter sunrise services (and first tracks!) & egg hunts
Posted 3/26/13
Easter is hopping closer! This year it falls on Sunday, March 31. Vermont ski resorts often have Easter-themed events to get families out on the snow. Some ski areas also hold mountain-top sunrise…
Snow, sleet, rain and Catamount Trail coupons
Posted 12/18/12
Well, elevation means everything this week in Vermont. While many towns and villages and base lodge areas have seen rain and sleet, there's been a mix of snow, sleet and rain up higher on the…

Which resorts are open for Thanksgiving weekend 2012?
Posted 11/20/12
A gaggle of Vermont ski resorts plan to open this long holiday weekend! They join the four ski resorts that are already spinning their lifts: Killington, Okemo, Stowe and Sugarbush. The new group…

Improvements in snowmaking, trails & facilities at Vermont ski resorts
Posted 11/18/12
Last season featured new chairlifts at three Vermont ski resorts (at Burke, Mount Snow and Stowe — read about it here), while this year only Jay Peak has a new lift. Investments were mostly steered…

More Vermont ski areas poised to open
Posted 11/14/12
November had brought some steady cold temperatures, until Monday hit with record highs! Luckily, that didn't last long and ski resorts are back at making snow and picking up some natural snow at…

Clearing skies afford views of new natural snow and manmade, too
Posted 11/6/12
The peaks in Vermont have been collecting some natural snow over the last few days, making them a beautiful white. (The National Weather Service is reporting 10 inches of snow at the stake atop Mt.…
Tentative opening dates for 2012 - 2013 at Vermont ski resorts
Posted 11/1/12
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR THE 2013-2014 POST ABOUT OPENINGS>> Updated 12/22/2012 PM When are Vermont ski resorts opening? Ski Vermont has released a list of the tentative opening dates for Vermont ski…

2012 – 2013 Vermont lift ticket discounts and ski ticket deals for Vermont residents and our friends everywhere!
Posted 10/23/12
<<CLICK HERE FOR THE CURRENT VERMONT TICKET DISCOUNTS POST!>> Updated 3/15/2013 Finding the best lift ticket values takes a little bit of poking around. We’re here to help as we’ve scoured the…
Killington opens one run for passholders; Ski swaps continue
Posted 10/13/12
Killington is opening one run today (Rime) for passholders only! No grooming, just newly manmade snow for expert skiers. Other resorts are firing up snowmaking guns during this cold spell when we've…

Early October snow atop Vermont's high peaks
Posted 10/8/12
The National Weather Services is reporting up to 3.5 inches of snow on Vermont's high peaks! They say snow was confined to above 3,000 feet of elevation or so. Photos are coming in from Vermont's ski…

Vermont 2012-2013 season pass deal deadlines are approaching
Posted 8/16/12
<<FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE 2013-2014 POST ABOUT SEASON PASS DEAL DEADLINES!>> Updated 10/31/12 It’s mid-August and the summer in Vermont has been mighty fine, but many a skier and rider are already…
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