Backcountry skiing

Pow, pow and more pow in northern Vermont!
Posted 2/8/20
It was a super Saturday in the backcountry in northern Vermont! What fun it was to earn turns through more than a foot of fresh powder! Check out our photos. The only reason you aren't seeing me…

Fun day to try out new AT gear in the Vermont backcountry!
Posted 2/1/20
In the backcountry, I've been using telemark gear — the older lift-served variety. It's been challenging and fun, but I've been envious of the light AT gear that people use as they climb past me. And…

Winter returns to Bolton Valley and the rest of Vermont
Posted 1/18/20
Thursday's storm, and the one hitting tonight, are finally putting us back on track after the recent thaw. The temps are downright wintry as well! Brrrr! Winter is back! Today I headed out for a tour…

Well, hello powder! Nice to see you!
Posted 12/7/19
We explored snowy wooded trails today, and boy are we glad that we did! High in Bolton, Vermont, we found about a foot of light powder to ski in. The tree branches were heavy with snow. It was…

Frosty trees and a thin crust layer at 1,800 feet
Posted 11/29/19
Today the Skimeister and I drove up to about 1,800 feet elevation here in northern Vermont to see what the snow was like. We brought our light ski touring gear, including older waxless* skis. We knew…

November 16: Scenes from a sunny Saturday on snow
Posted 11/16/19
We went to our local ski hill here in northern Vermont, which isn't open yet, and we skinned up to earn some turns. It was our first telemark / skinning outing of the season! We're thinking there…

Sliding on snow in November in Vermont
Posted 11/10/19
On Saturday morning I headed up to about 1800 feet in elevation here in northern Vermont. I found five inches of fluffy snow. And no base. But that's OK because I had on my old waxless, three-pin…

October snow gets us psyched for the coming ski season!
Posted 10/20/19
On Thursday, October 17, it rained a lot in Vermont. But when the clouds later lifted, they revealed bright white high peaks! The highest spots in the state had snow on them and it was lovely. On…

Earning sunny turns on Easter in Vermont
Posted 4/21/19
In addition to spending time with family and doing some yard work, we also earned some turns on Sunday. At Bolton Valley (which is no longer running its lifts) you'll still find a bunch of snow. The…

It's April 6 and there's still a lot of snow in the mountains in Vermont!
Posted 4/6/19
We skied in two inches of fresh cream cheese today. We went in the backcountry trail network at Bolton Valley. The fresh snow clung to tree branches, which started to drip while we were skiing. The…

18 + inches of snow to enjoy in the Vermont backcountry today!
Posted 3/23/19
Wow! I think Friday's snowstorm was an over-achiever! This morning when we ventured into the Bolton, Vt., backcountry trail network, we measured at least 18 inches of new snow! It was a good thing we…

A quick morning ski tour in the backcountry
Posted 3/13/19
We hit the backcountry network at nearby Bolton Valley, Vermont, this morning to earn some turns. It was a lovely, windless, warm morning. We found 4 - 6 inches of fresh snow piled up from the last…

A spectacular Saturday on the snow
Posted 3/9/19
It was a stunning day on the snow today! Not a cloud in the sky, a deep snowpack and warm temperatures. So very nice indeed. The Skimeister and I headed to Stowe, Vt., to do a backcountry ski tour.…

Backcountry skiing on a warm and sunny February day
Posted 2/23/19
I was in my happy place today. We did a ski tour that had us climb up to 3,000 feet and then ski down through the sunny, snowy woods. It was so nice to be able to leisurely switch over to downhill…

Deep snow — now more condensed — in the backcountry in northern Vermont
Posted 2/2/19
We noticed a change in depth of the snowpack today as compared to a week ago. While doing a backcountry tour we had to duck more often than usual to pass under branches. That's a good sign! (Have you…

Checking things out in the Vermont backcountry after a powder dump & rain dump
Posted 1/26/19
This past week's weather was weird in northern Vermont. We had a copious amount of snow fall last weekend, followed by frigid temperatures. (It was so cold and windy that we didn't ski on the Monday…

A quick, cold ski tour before the snowstorm hits
Posted 1/19/19
Today we enjoyed soft, powdery snow in the backcountry trail network in Bolton, Vermont. And that was this morning before the snow started to fall. We are salivating at the snow totals that the…

Today’s ski in the woods: Sun, snow + moose poop
Posted 1/5/19
Hooray for this week’s snow! The Skimeister and I went backcountry skiing this morning and the recent snow made a BIG difference. We found 4 to 6 inches of snow over a crusted base between 2,700 and…

Exhausted — but happy — after another day of exploring the backcountry
Posted 12/9/18
Sunday brought day two of sunshine and day two of skiing in the backcountry in northern Vermont. We had discussed exploring the forest on the flanks of Camel's Hump. So off we went this morning. …

Cold, sunny, fluffy morning in the backcountry in Stowe, Vermont
Posted 12/8/18
We didn’t see many people on our ski tour this morning. Probably because it was darn cold! We started our ski tour in the bright sun but in temperatures around 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The new snow that…
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